//.res cleaned by so.Suddenly // Only files present in the mapzip have been left // de_aztec_cz.res - created with RESGen v2.0 BETA 2. // RESGen is made by Jeroen "ShadowLord" Bogers. // For more info go to http://resgen.hltools.com // or E-mail me at resgen@hltools.com. // .res entries (16): czde_aztec.wad gfx/env/jungleup.tga gfx/env/jungledn.tga gfx/env/junglelf.tga gfx/env/junglert.tga gfx/env/jungleft.tga gfx/env/junglebk.tga models/PROPS/bush_fern_small.mdl sound/ambience/thunder_clap.wav models/PROPS/skeleton.mdl sprites/ikgrass2.spr sprites/glow02.spr sound/ambience/rain.wav maps/de_aztec_cz.txt